by Guest Author | Apr 7, 2018 | Guest Writes, Productivity, Web Utilities
Probably the most efficient way of project management doesn’t exist. It is hard to find a person who can be called ‘The best Project Manager ever’. But, certainly, the Internet market is full of tools which support the project managers’ activities worldwide. And...
by Guest Author | Feb 3, 2018 | Guest Writes, Productivity, Web Utilities
Have you ever found yourself waiting until the last minute to turn in an assignment, or constantly getting distracted because you don’t even know where to get started when it comes to working on a new project. Don’t worry, you’re not alone. Many people deal with the...
by Guest Author | Oct 25, 2017 | Guest Writes, Productivity
Marketers and business owners are often involved in developing intricate marketing strategies. You’re typically in charge of monitoring the success of your current products or services, while also running promotional campaigns or identifying new business...
by Guest Author | Jul 16, 2017 | Productivity
Email marketing, if it was one of your new year resolutions, what would you have liked to cross check from the list? Most marketers and business people make one huge mistake when planning an email marketing campaign: their goals are unattainable. Rather than risk...
by Guest Author | Feb 9, 2017 | Productivity
It’s a no-brainer that a major chunk of business productivity comes from employee productivity. However, the working patterns for today’s employees have drastically changed from what it used to be back in days. If you’re on the lookout for boosting your business...
by Guest Author | Jan 22, 2017 | Productivity, Social Media
Social media marketer is a big force in today’s digital age. People all around the globe spend a lot of time on prominent social media websites such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest. It doesn’t matter if you live in New York, Sydney, Seoul or...