by Rohit S | Sep 9, 2009 | Social Media, Straight Forward
People generally love to be followed and I’ve never been particularly concerned about people following me, since everything I tweet is on the public timeline. But as soon as i realised that they’re or computer aided Twitter accounts and probably not all real...
by Rohit S | Sep 7, 2009 | Social Media, Straight Forward |
According to leading British psychologist Dr Tracy Alloway of Sterling University, has claimed, ‘Facebook’ enhances intelligence, ‘Twitter’ diminishes it, both are leading social networking sites. In fact, playing video war games and solving...
by Rohit S | Sep 6, 2009 | Amusing, Social Media
Meet my recent pal yes it is a leafy plant pothos. Recently I noticed certain tweets from a twitter user which were stating Water me please. You over watered me. You didn’t water me enough. You over watered me. URGENT! Water me! Thank you for watering me! Though...
by Rohit S | Sep 5, 2009 | Social Media
Socialnomics, Have you heard this term before? You might have heard Social Media term, even if you don’t use the tools. But just how big has social media become? As per reports the Social media has officially surpassed pornography as the top activity on the...
by Rohit S | Aug 31, 2009 | Search Engine, Social Media
Internet has not remained now simply a network of documents rather it has turned conversation in a network of people. The social web generates a stream of citations of things like documents, videos, pictures, etc which people are talking about. Searching through this...