People generally love to be followed and I’ve never been particularly concerned about people following me, since everything I tweet is on the public timeline. But as soon as i realised that they’re or computer aided Twitter accounts and probably not all real people who are following me I flushed them off with TwitBlock. This post is raise awareness, and hopefully educate Twitter users about how to avoid falling foul of cons and phishing traps.
This service allows users to scan their followers for suspicious behaviour (ignore factor, follow rate, identical profile pictures, among others) and block them directly. Applying different detection / rating algorithms, the website analyzes account followers and displays suspicious accounts based on the obtained rating. It will check in the bio field and status updates for known spam keywords. These include promotional, marketing, financial and adult-related words.
Tweets via API are a sign of spam, since many bots use automated scripts that connect in and update statuses or interact with other users. The Follow Rate examines the number of days a user has been on Twitter and the number of accounts they’re following. If the ratio is big, it’s a sign of automation. Only a bot could add on a regular basis 100 accounts per day to their account, while a normal person would have a very low ratio. Adding more than ten new followers a day will result in extra spamming points.
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The only demerit is that you have to share your twitter password with the application though the service claims that it cannot see and store it. TwitBlock is currently in Alpha and an upgraded version of the website being in the works.