by Guest Author | Dec 26, 2013 | Search Engine
Web advertising indusrty where client pays for clicks, is an arrangement in which webmasters on behalf of publishers, display clickable links from advertisers in exchange for a charge per click. The advertisers evolved and using short cut ways for their incentive...
by Guest Author | Nov 15, 2013 | Social Media
Social Media Cultivates Dissatisfaction, Scientists claim that too much enthusiasm which people show towards social media services can cause the feeling of helplessness, especially it refers to teenagers and kids. Championship to Emulate It’s difficult to find a kid...
by Guest Author | Oct 22, 2013 | Search Engine |
Link bait is a term that is used when a title of a link or a piece of content gets a lot of attention. Having a link bait strategy can be very beneficial and will always be effective for attracting more traffic. In the modern scenario of content creation getting...
by Guest Author | May 30, 2013 | Guest Writes, Social Media
Some years ago we could hear such phrase as – “Come to see me”. It meant “to visit somebody’s place in order to see and to spend time together”. In other words, it was any joint action. Unfortunately, further this phrase got another meaning – “to visit a...
by Guest Author | Mar 23, 2013 | Guest Writes, Social Media
Social media is evolving fast and surely, lots of interesting things are bound to happen in the year ahead given the changes that occurred previously. We all want to know what’s cooking next? Before we all get excited about what this year might bring in for...