by Rohit S | Sep 12, 2011 | Blog Essentials, Search Engine
Do you use “Tags” on your blog? I am sure you might be using abundant of them, but wait let me share with you that these Tags have been found most worthless part of your blog and it can damage your rankings. Tags or Categories Right from the beginning I...
by Rohit S | Sep 2, 2011 | Social Media |
Just like a blogger has the right to create the content as he perceives it, the reader reserves the right to share it. Asking people to like or retweet your link or simply linking it is an ugly practice. It may get you clicks or back links but this practice somewhere...
by Rohit S | Aug 29, 2011 | Security Check, Social Media
The Google Privacy Policy and Mobile Privacy Policy describes how they treat personal information when you use Google’s products and services, including information provided when you use Google+. The Picasa Privacy Policy will apply to your use of Picasa In...
by Rohit S | Aug 20, 2011 | Security Check, Social Media
Own Your Space – Keeping Yourself and Your Stuff Safe Online is a facebook secuirty guide. It tell about empowering you to Own Your Space and to understand what Facebook is doing to make the site safe and secure and to take the actions that are needed in this...
by Rohit S | Aug 2, 2011 | Search Engine |
Wordstream analyzed the Q2 2011 earnings announcement of Google Adwords and came up with an infographic with the most expensive keywords in their business. Where does Google make its money in 2011? These are the keywords that demand the highest costs per click and are...