It include different things like layouts, color selection, typography, content management, graphics design etc. The web designing website deals with the process of developing.
These are the web design requirement of a website.
#1 Goal
Understand your goals and requirements. Explain method and abilities, Confirm requirements and business functions of your website.
#2 Deliverables List
It contain all the relevant templates, content to be change, plugins etc. This list is relevant because it help to tell you what is going to be delivered in the coming time. Designer should ensure that the various features of website are fully functional
#3 SEO
include keyword research, Meta description, content analysis, that result in attracting traffic for your website.
#4 Responsiveness
Mobile responsiveness is necessity of every website. You should check design layout of project in the different mobile devices. So you can decide aspect ratio of font size, layout etc.
#5 Milestones
can help you to achieve your daily targets of design process. Milestone includes information design, theme coding, graphic designs that reflect your brand essence.
#6 Project Delays
is the result of client, designer and web development. You should deal how these delays can be avoided and handles.
#7 Content Migration
If project require content migration, then decide how much content will be migrated, how it will be modified in order to change the design.
#8 Maintenance
include updating of software, plugins installed. Project Maintenance can also include security, monitoring, backups, reporting, testing and fixing technical problems.
#9 Navigation
Navigation tells the story of a website. So it should be simple, easy so that your visitor can easily read the story that you want to tell them.
Organizing navigation by eliminating unnecessary or under-performing pages can reduce the load time while improving the quality of your brand’s online presence.
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#10 Flexibility
The good website is always changing. New content has been added on the basis of user feedback or fresh articles provided to encourage new responses. Understand that preparing a website is not something you do once and forgets, this is a successful ongoing process.
#11 Benchmarks
Make a list of all relevant data; also decide how this data can help to make a fresh design and improve website performance.
#12 Be creative
Do not be afraid to separate something from your competition. Your website is your face for the world. Why not stand apart from a few different people from your industry ?
#13 Typography
Think about the font style that will fit to the design of your website. You can also try one of Google fonts .
#14 Value of Time
One of the challenging business facing a website in reconstruction is not giving enough time to make it a success.
Your time investment should be equal to your monetary investment. Copying and research does not happen anytime soon.
#15 Color Scheme
Color schemes are more important with customers’ feel. Different colors have the ability to generate emotional reactions, such as calm, joy or disappointment. When it comes to using colors in your website design, it is important to consider the elements of your company’s niche, target audience, branding and color theory.
Regardless of your choice, spending time researching the best color options will give your visitors a good impression.
#16 Branding
The design and placement of your brand’s logo contributes to the overall opinion of the viewer. Professionally designed logo successfully captures the eye of the customer and provides a clear picture of the brand’s unique voice.
When a business meets branding, it provides customers with an integrated and memorable brand experience.
#17 CTA (Call to Action)
CTA are very relevant for your business, these CTA’s encourages customers to contact your business.
Always call every page to call at least once, regardless of what you are asking your visitors to do on your site.