To maximize the effectiveness of blogging or content marketing, you have to actually write wonderful blog titles that people have to be forced to click.
Tips to Writing Better Blog Titles
Writing high quality articles takes a lot of time, but sadly, many high quality articles will not be read. Here are tips on writing better blog titles, which really attract your visitors.
Use of Multiple Heading
Try writing at least 5 titles for each article and then choose the best. There is no formula to write the correct title at all times, so we have to write several titles to understand the ideas.
Use of Brackets
One way to create a more attractive title is to use brackets in your title. Some of the world’s most respected copyright writers use brands in their copies as well as their titles.
Writers can use brackets or brackets to separate segments in one title and in the examples given below, note how brands also create a short visual variation.
You can use brands to make Headlines more attractive in many ways. Example: 7 Ways to Write Clickable Headings (Free Title Template Inside)
Split Test Headlines
Split test titles when emailing your inventory about a new blog post. Most email programs like Mailchimp will allow you to test different email lines when you send an email to each subset of your email list and then send an email with the winner’s title to your remaining list.
You may be surprised to know which titles are the best work. Sometimes small and simple headers can perform better than long and more detailed headers.
Use of SEO Keywords
Keywords are important if you want to get long term SEO traffic in your blog articles.
Making SEO-optimized headlines can help people find your content, so if you are investing time and resources in building content, it is worthwhile to take the time to do so.
Reuse Past Winning Headline
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If you have worked in good amount of blogging in the past, then consider re-using headlines that work well for you in the past.
Negative Headlines
Negative words like “never” or “stop” perform 30% better than their headlines. So once you come up with a good title, consider writing a version from a negative perspective.
For example, instead of “5 Ways to Reduce Weight”, you can use the title like “5 benefits that you should avoid to avoid weight gain”.
Another tip to improve your title writing skills is to practice writing various sub-headings within your article. Try to rewrite sub-headers so that each has a catchy title that readers want to read each section.
Use Numbers into the Headline
Another tip to use numbers is to try and use odd numbers instead of numbers.
- For example, which of the following titles are more attractive?
- How to increase your email list
- 5 tactics I used to increase my email list up to 142% in 3 months
Most people will find the second title more attractive because the first title seems very common, while the other has specific numbers, which means that the authors are reliable on this subject.
By using above tips you can make your blog title clickable, that increases traffic to your post