Make the most of your messages on Twitter, Facebook, and other social networking sites. The advent of Twitter and other social networking sites, as well as the popularity of text messaging, have made short-form communication an everyday reality. But expressing yourself clearly in short bursts-particularly in the 140-character limit of Twitter-takes special writing skill.
Twitter co-creator Dom Sagolla, recently wrote a book 140 Characters It is a style guide for the short form writing, and a concise field manual that will help you be more effective when communicating in small spaces, like on Twitter, available for iPhone & iPod touch.
The book comes with a companion iPhone application developed by Sagolla’s company, DollarApp. The application lets you read the book on your iPhone, as well as a comment on the book via Twitter.
Apple has featured 140 Characters as the number two New and Noteworthy App in iTunes! Additionally, the App is shown as the first icon in the App Store.
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In 140 Characters, Sagolla covers all the basics of great short-form writing, including the importance of communicating with simplicity, honesty, and humor. For marketers and business owners, social media is an increasingly important avenue for promoting a business-this is the first writing guide specifically dedicated to communicating with the succinctness and clarity that the Internet age demands.
The book covers basic grammar rules for short-form writing. The equivalent of Strunk and White’s Elements of Style for today’s social media-driven marketing messages. Helps you develop your own unique short-form writing style.