We generally buy things based on the one or other recommendation. Often we buy what celebrities endorse and recommend product. And now, with social networking tools these product recommendations have taken on a whole new meaning, as a tweet about your like and it is instantly seen by the respective followers. Imagine going shopping and having the option to ask your social media networking friends’ opinion while in a shopping mall and seeing what other’s have purchased.
Now there is no need to wait for your celebrity. Make your own list Tweet about everything from your favorite brands and discoveries on your profile using justbought.it. Shopping with friends like this just got more value addition and pleasurable! It is just like using Twitter, TwitPic, and Google Maps because it encourages users to tweet whenever they’ve “just bought something” with a picture of the product and the location where they purchased it.
One of my fears is to go for shopping all alone. Have you shopped alone and wished you had brought a friend to get a second opinion? Its compare shop feature lets you do just that! You may use easy to use web interface to upload your products and get instant feedback!
Another significant point is to get a good deal. There is nothing wrong with wanting to stretch your money as it will give you a good bargain. You may find the latest deals and discounts offered for your favorite brands. You can also connect with old friends and make new ones. Find people with similar taste and style as yours and share your shopping lists.
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Also they’ve implemented an point based system where the more you share and comment on purchases, become a trendsetter on any topic that interests you and move up to becoming a city wide or even nation wide!
Hope you enjoy shopping with it. Have a look on the news…