Quantum computing is an emerging technology that uses the laws of quantum mechanics to solve problems too complex for classical computers.
Quantum computing is a field of computer science that uses the principles of quantum theory. Quantum theory explains the behavior of energy and materials at the atomic and subatomic levels.
Quantum computing has the potential to filter out a large number of possibilities and find possible solutions to complex problems and challenges.
Advantages of Quantum Computing
The most common area that people associate quantum computing with is advanced cryptography. The simple computers we use today make it impossible to break encryption that uses very large prime number factors (300+ integers).
The predictions and predictions of various scenarios depend on large and complex data sets.
Medical Research
There are literally billions of possibilities as to how something in the human body might react and even more so when you consider that it could be a drug prescribed to billions of people, each with slight differences in their makeup.
Data analysis
Quantum mechanics and quantum computing can help solve large-scale problems. A field of study called topological analysis, where geometric shapes behave in specific ways, describes calculations that are impossible due to the data sets used by today’s traditional computers.
Self driving cars
Car companies like Tesla and tech companies like Apple and Google are actively developing driverless cars. These will not only improve the standard of living of most of the people, but will also reduce pollution, reduce congestion and other benefits.
Quantum computers in development
IBM : plans to have a 1,000-qubit quantum computer by 2023.
Google: spending billions of dollars to build its own quantum computer by 2029.
Microsoft : Microsoft gives companies access to quantum technology through the Azure Quantum Platform.
As a result, quantum computing is much faster and more powerful. It is expected that it will be used to solve a variety of extremely complex, meaningful tasks.
While it has limitations at the moment, it is geared to work by many high-powered companies in myriad industries.
Quantum computers have the potential to revolutionize computation by making certain types of classically difficult problems solvable. While no quantum computer is yet sophisticated enough to perform calculations that a classical computer cannot, much progress is being made.
Some large companies and small start-ups now have non-error-corrected quantum computers composed of several tens of qubits, and some of these are even accessible to the public via the cloud. Additionally, quantum simulators are making advances in fields ranging from molecular energy to many-body physics.