Top Notch
LED Lighting Solutions!
The Challenge
Client required new design for this website, with simple navigation at the top header and also in navigation bar, and some videos in the post.
The Solution
We had design and organize all the content with icons, banners, different portfolios added for products, product page also organized with content position with including all product details.

Top notch products are designed to meet unique challenges for your business, while meeting and enlarging your energy-protection requirements provide outdoor induction lighting fixtures for indoor induction lighting retrofit fixtures. LED makes light through electromagnetic induction, without any electrical connection without any electrode or bulb. Since there is no delicate electrode burnt in lamp life expectancy.
A responsive design allows users to use their site without distorted material or slow loading time from multiple devices. To improve loading time and user experience we had test all the issues occurred for responsive design. We had use flexible images, optimize content for positioning it well on the small devices.
As we had use optimized content and images , it automatically increase performance of website and also user experience.

Client Top Notch
Date 5.10.2014
Skills Branding, Web Design
Top Notch provide on-site and remote light audits to provide accurate estimation of your potential savings with a motivational lighting system. They provide a wide range of energy efficient products to simplify the process of updating your features. They can also show that the lack of HID light can be beneficial for your air conditioning bill. Top Notch can increase more than 500% compared to standard HID and fluorescent technology.