Long back we discussed sex proportion distribution on online social media. Now here is a report which is particularly talking about Twitter.
Whether the sexes behave differently on Twitter.
The answer is again Yes they do. Do these results match your personal experience? It was found that although men and women have an equitable number of followers, women tend to tweet and follow more–12% and 2% more than men, respectively.
Separate research into Twitter’s demographics found that women also slightly outnumber men (53% vs. 47%).
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HubSpot looked at 9 million Twitter accounts–excluding outliers, like celebrities–and concluded that women are “more social” on Twitter than men.
Twitter users who have between 100 and 10,000 followers. I also used the interquartile mean to control for users who are following or Tweeting far more than the average.
It was found that while men and women have basically the same number of followers, there are significant differences in two other numbers: Following and Tweets. Women follow 2% more people than men do on average.
There was a difference in the number of Tweets men and women made over the life of their Twitter accounts. Women posted over 12% more Tweets than men.
Learn more about Twitter and its users by checking out the coolest Twitter infographics on the web. Check out additional Twitter statistics here at Hubspot.