Today, Facebook has become an integral part of our day to day life. The service provides an endless amount of options aimed at helping people communicate better while serving as an outlet for entertainment. Nonetheless, you have probably never considered that Facebook’s functions are not meant for recreational purposes alone; that you can capitalize on the incredible capabilities of the social network to enhance the reach of your business. Facebook Retargeting is one of that brilliant feature.

When it comes to SEO, marketing strategies are often used alongside other web-based marketing techniques. These include Google AdWords and social media marketing. Facebook has a wide range of marketing tools that can benefit any business. One of these is retargeting audiences through Facebook, which is a useful strategy that works in cohesion with a reliable SEO technique. For sites that focus on e-commerce, there is a way Facebook retargeting can be used to build a relationship with clients and serve as an extra layer to your digital marketing strategy.

Facebook retargeting entails continued customer engagement with visitors who came to an e-commerce website, but in one way or another never made the purchase. When a person is interrupted during the process of making an online purchase or somehow closes their browser before they complete the process, a certain Facebook tool can be used to utilize the available data and continue to pitch the sale to the individual via their Facebook feed.

Keep in mind that in most cases, the reason for people not finalizing a purchase is not due to second thoughts or financial considerations, but due to pressure from competitors, interruptions, and other circumstances. But the Facebook retargeting pixel provides an effective solution.

A small piece of Facebook’s code called the Facebook pixel is implemented through the platform’s custom audiences function, and is placed in the existing code of the webpage. The pixel essentially retains information regarding individuals visiting the page, and it uses this info to position targeted ads related to your business on the Facebook feeds of these users.

A good example of this is a situation where a user was on a site to buy shoes. On the webpage, they’d pick the product that they desire, proceed to checkout, but never complete the purchase because they had second thoughts or were interrupted. The next time they log in to Facebook, there will be an advertisement placed somewhere on their regular feed from the shoe company. This ad may redirect them back to the exact page they were on, or back to the homepage based on the amount of retargeting the company wants to implement.

You have probably come across such kind of an ad before in your social media feeds. Maybe you were previously browsing sites like eBay or Amazon checking out a product, and that product appeared on your Facebook feed later on that day based on this digital marketing technique.

This level of targeting often leads to improved sales, and it’s very important to capitalize on the quality of leads coming in that depends on your website SEO strategy. Just as an SEO plan can lead to highly targeted traffic to your site organically, Facebook retargeting can ideally convert the visit into a sale by creating a dynamic ad centred on the individual primary interest in a product.

When users find their way to your site through SEO (searching your keywords) and leave, they are probably gone forever. With Facebook retargeting, this doesn’t have to be your final contact with a prospect – you can continue offering them deals and advice on various platforms outside your website.

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In cohesion with your SEO tactics, Facebook retargeting places an undisputed level of efficiency. Instead of targeting a new demographic of customers, it lets you target users that have already shown interest in your product based on SEO. The next inquiry step would be considering buying the product your business offers, which means that the customer is as close as they can be to make a purchase without taking the final step.

Targeting the individuals who fall under this category means that you are advertising to the top percent of the potential buyers in your industry. As such, Facebook retargeting has a remarkably high conversion rate, perhaps due to the high number of visitors who return to the site and continue making the transaction and/or reviewing other products.

Keep in mind that this process doesn’t have to be exclusive to online purchases. The same strategy can be used to entice Internet users and customers to subscribe to a newsletter, especially for service providers. The publication that you email out to your list can offer exclusive deals or information about your service. This places your business up for potential future clients.

When a customer is previewing your website and is casually searching for information, SEO and Facebook targeting converge. This is an opportunity to suggest to them to join your list of subscribers for more information. While this won’t directly a result in a sale, it evidently has the potential for future business.

You’re probably thinking that doubling your marketing tactics means spending more, but don’t fear, Facebook retargeting is incredibly cost-effective. Facebook charges ads on a CPC (cost per click) basis, and you can expect to pay a relatively small amount, especially if you only target users who’ve visited specific pages. This form of digital marketing should not be thought of as an extra cost, but as a small extension to the already existing SEO strategy.

As you can see, Facebook retargeting is quite easy to do. If you have an SEO strategy or a PPC option in place, consider going a little bit further and capitalize on this fantastic feature that Facebook offers. Good luck as you convert more visits into sales!

About the Author: Anurag Pareek is a Toronto based SEO & Digital Marketing Consultant. He is a creative link builder and conversion rate optimization specialist. When he is not obsessing over how to build better backlinks, Anurag likes to travel and play guitar.

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Great experience!

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Thank you for the excellent work..